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Prayer and Fasting

Prayer and Fasting

Fasting For Results

MATTHEW 17:21 “This kind does not go out except by Prayer & Fasting”

Before you start your Fast, you may want to consult with your Physician to inform him/her of your desired fast. If you are on medication that you must take, please continue to take as directed from your Doctor.

Purpose: One purpose of prayer and fasting is to bring our hearts to a place of being filled with a sacrificial love that results in godly attitudes in our lives. True fasting will draw us closer to God and His purpose.

Eating is one of the most fundamental things we do as physical beings. One of I can't explain why God has chosen prayer and fasting as the gateway to supernatural power. One thing I do know: scripture, prayer, and fasting are the ways believers humble themselves in the sight of the Lord. When we humble ourselves, He promises to exalt and lift us up at the appointed time (I Peter 5:6; James 4:10). God also indicates that Fasting brings a sharp focus to the dramatic difference between our physical and spiritual lives, by exercising our wills and depriving ourselves of food & secular activities for spiritual purposes. When we deny the natural for the purpose of calling upon God to do the supernatural, He will enable and empower us to experience the supernatural.

Choose 1 Type Fast: (Remember, choose a fast that will challenge you. Once chosen, cannot be changed)

* Daniel’s Fast involves an intake of specific foods , but the food choices are restricted to essentially fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and oil. This plan resembles a vegan diet , which has been reported to yield health enhancing results. If you are on the weight loss program, ask your coach about fruit.


  • All fruit – fresh, frozen, dried, or juiced.

  • All vegetables – fresh, or frozen.

  • All whole grains – barley, brown rice, oats, quinoa, and whole wheat.

  • All nuts & seeds – almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds; unsweetened almond milk. Nut butters are also included.

  • All legumes – canned or dried; black beans, black-eyed peas, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), great northern beans, kidney beans, lentils, pinto beans, and split peas.

  • All quality oils – avocado, coconut, grapeseed, olive, peanut, sesame, and walnut.

  • Beverages – distilled water, filtered water, spring water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices.

  • Other – unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, or soy milk; herbs, spices, salt, pepper, unsweetened coconut flakes, seasonings, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, soy products, and tofu.


  • All meat & animal products – bacon, beef, buffalo, eggs, fish, lamb, poultry, and pork.

  • All dairy products – butter, cheese, cream, milk, and yogurt.

  • All sweeteners – agave nectar, artificial sweeteners, brown rice syrup, cane juice, honey, molasses, raw sugar, syrups, and sugar.

  • All leavened bread & yeast – baked goods and Ezekiel bread (if it contains yeast and honey).

  • All refined & processed food products – artificial flavorings, chemicals, food additives, preservatives, white flour, and white rice.

  • All deep-fried foods – corn chips, French fries, and potato chips.

  • All solid fats – lard, margarine, and shortening.

  • Beverages – alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, energy drinks, herbal teas.

* Fast Type II Partial Fast
A partial fast is from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm or from sun up to sundown (6:00am-6:00pm) Drink only water during those times. After 3:00pm or 6:00pm have a regular meal with the exception of giving up at least two items of a challenged food. (Choose from “Foods to Avoid” list under Daniels Fast)


Any type of food you desire to eat after this time period BUT give up at least two items of food that’s a challenge for you to give up. Remember Fasting is to be a sacrifice, not easy to give up.

Guidelines for both fasts

No Secular TV, Limit or No Social Media except for Job purposes. The purpose is to eliminate as much secular activity while on the Fast by crucifying your Flesh so you can be free to hear God.

Complied by: Pastor Debra

E-mail: debrajgarrett@gmail.com

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Buttes Business Center Plaza
2219 S. 48th Street, Ste. I
Tempe, AZ 85282

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