The Message Church
"One Stop Life Center"





10am  (MST) - On Campus and virtually on Facebook and You Tube


12pm & 7pm  (MST) - Virtually on Facebook and You Tube

Rick Garrett, Sr., has been married to the beautiful Debra Garrett for 35 years.  He is the father of 6 children, grandfather of 19 and spiritual/God father to many who find his personal demeanor and compassionate nature an excellent replacement in the lives of those whose biological fathers have vacated their parental responsibility.

Debra is an exceptional Woman; Wife of 36 years to Bishop Rick Garrett, Sr., Mother of 6, Grandparent of 17 and Great Grandparent of 3. She’s a native of Arizona and grew up in the small town of Coolidge. She lost her mother to Diabetes at the age of nine, married at age 16, divorced, and re-married at 24. She has learned how to push past obstacles, broken dreams, and uses her determination to accomplish her goals

Bishop Rick Garrett & Pastor Debra Garrett

Senior Pastors

"One Word from God Can Transform Your Life"

Wake up and Experience the Power of Prayer every Tuesday Morning at 5AM MST with Bishop Rick, Pastor Debra Garrett and other Prayer Warriors of Faith.

ZOOM links are sent every Tu
esday morning via text message at 5AM (MST) through our automated system. If you wish to join the prayer warriors click the button.

5AM Morning Prayer

TMC promotional downloads

Hey Family...The Message is growing! Tamara Myles Photography LLC is giving our Message friends and family quick and easy access in making your pictures available to view and download. If you see something you like or a picture you're in share the love by downloading the pictures, posting and tagging "The Message Church" and "Tamara Scott" on social media.  Click below for Access and Enjoy!

Join Bishop Rick every morning on his facebook page at 6:00AM (MST). Bishop will share life lessons, applicable teachings and practical tips that will help encourage and guide you in your everyday life and to get your day/morning commanded and started.

Daily Inspiration

We want to connect with you!

If you need more information, prayer or just don't know where to begin? We can help you get started. 

Please fill out this simple form to let us know how we can be of service to you.

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